Thursday, April 24, 2014


Progress with weight loss is going a little slower than I'd hoped, but maybe that's not a bad thing.  I'm down to 288.2 lbs today.  I started at 312 back in January, so not too bad I guess.  I'm being forgiving with food, which is both good and bad.  The good is that I don't feel like I screwed up and need to just give up if I end up having something less than healthy - making diet changes the way I have been has let me focus on the bigger picture than worrying about every bite that I take, which keeps me making slow progress.  But the bad part is that it is slow progress.. very slow.

Warmer weather means I've been a little more active than usual, going to the parks and whatnot with the kids.  But I know that making a concerted effort to exercise would really help, and I keep promising myself I'll do it, only to be too tired.  And yes, I do know that exercising will help increase my energy levels.. and somehow I still can't bring myself to do it.  Maybe I should tap on my reluctance to exercise.

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