Friday, January 16, 2015

Rebel Scale

This morning when I stepped on my scale, it read '0' and stayed that way.  When I stepped off, the numbers jumped up to somewhere in the 360's.  The scale has continued to behave that way, regardless of changes of batteries and everything else I've tried.  I guess my scale is in rebellion.  Time to go to Target to get a new one.

I had salad and chicken for lunch every day.  Finished off the last of the salad I made Sunday night today.  I'm quite proud of myself for sticking with it.

I did have a celebratory treat this evening, though, and I'm not beating myself up for it.  I had a job interview that I was really nervous about, and did really well.  I don't want to keep celebrating with food, but I'm not going to beat myself up about it when I do.

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