Thursday, May 1, 2014

Steps Two and Three

Step Two:  We came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.

Step Three:  We made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.

Journaling prompts taken from Gentle Path Through the Twelve Steps.

Loss of Reality Inventory

No reality/loss of memories:  My first impulse was that I've never experienced this - a total loss of memories or reality.  But then I thought of how sometimes I'll be eating something, and then have no recollection of finishing it.  Or I'll start with a big bowl of ice cream and after some time, realize there's only a bite left, without really remembering eating most of it.

Distortion of reality (faulty thinking or beliefs):  Oh, there's so many of these.  I don't know if I'll be able to list them all!  Let's start specifically with food.  Eating is a way to feel loved.  I deserve to eat unhealthy food.  Eating unhealthy food is nurturing myself.  I can eat some unhealthy food and still lose weight.  That one bite doesn't really matter (which turns into that whole pint of ice cream doesn't really matter).  There will always be more time to lose weight.  Everyone eats unhealthy food like I do, but somehow they stay thin.  Also:  I'm only lovable if I'm thin AND smart AND funny AND outgoing.  I'm only lovable if I do things what other people want.  I'm only lovable if I don't have needs.  I'm only lovable if I'm perfect.

Ignoring reality:  When have I ignored reality and suffered the consequences?  How about every time I ate something and gained weight?  When I swore to lose weight for a trip, and kept telling myself I still had plenty of time, and then the trip came and I was still out of shape and overweight?  There are endless examples of this.  Even things like ignoring bills end badly, obviously.  I don't think I've ever escaped the consequences of ignoring reality.

In the past, when I've asked for help following a loss of reality, my expectations have not been based in reality.  I've expected someone to rescue me, someone with a magical, easy cure for whatever's gone wrong.  Why can't my therapist snap her fingers and make my distorted, faulty thinking disappear?  Why can't someone pay my bills for me?  Why can't this pill make me lose weight?

Serenity Prayer:

Grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change,
Courage to change the things we can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.

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